Can I Go Back to Horse Back Riding After Ketamine Infusion

Patient Testimonials

Dave Srite

Dave Srite

23:39 06 Nov 21

A clearing, life altering experience that every person on this planet should experience to get closer if not 100 percent bridging the missing gaps and work towards the wellness of your life. It is spiritual in detail and revitalizing in a most ambitious way. If I could pay a friend to drive me down i would do a five day trip all expenses paid in my car. Your hotel your food. You could go into Nashville . You would have your own fine time .

Josh Vernon

Josh Vernon

12:04 25 Sep 21

I couldn't be more blessed to have found this amazing clinic for treatment on an array of issues. Issues that include chronic pain, depression and opioid dependence. First and for most, every person in this clinic has been an absolute blessing to work with. These are not just some of the best medical personnel I've worked with but some of the best human beings I've ever been around. Every person in the office cares about you as an individual and your health goals.I've been referred for years to different "specialists", only to end up with more medication on top of more medication. Prior to having these infusions I was taking upwards of 20 pills a day for anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, severe arthritis and of course chronic pain. After I completed 5 infusions I now take 3 medicines (which will go to 2 in less than 30 days) and none of those medications include opiates. I don't want to incorrectly explain how the process works but one thing is for sure, it works! Dr Malchow will put you on a path to healing with the help of his entire staff (Dustin and Dawn play a big role in this process as well). I would recommend that anyone who suffers from these debilitating illnesses, reach out to them! They have literally saved my life through the grace of God!

Reid Creviston

Reid Creviston

17:02 16 Sep 21

Having treatments at AMG Ketamine and Wellness has been an amazing experience. The staff is wonderful, professional, kind, and dedicated to your individual health journey and goals. Dr. Malchow is one of the best doctors I've ever worked with. He listens to everything you say totally judgement free and creates a plan totally Aligned with you and your personal health. He is extremely present and engaged with his patients and will do anything he can to make the treatments a positive experience. This treatment got me out of bed and back on my feet doing what I love. Prior to the treatments I was a 27 year old who could barely get out of bed due to the pain. Now I am active again, smiling, laughing, and I'm in so much less pain. This amazing group of individuals can truly make a difference in your life with their treatment plan and bedside manner.

Carol DeMoville

Carol DeMoville

20:44 26 Jul 21

Words can't begin to describe how grateful I am to Dr Malchow and his entire team of professionals who cared for me at AMG Ketamine and Wellness Center. After a horseback riding accident many years ago and the following procedures, injections and surgeries, I felt like there was no hope for me. This has given me a second chance at life! This is not just a job for the wonderful people who work there, it's truly a calling. Dr Malchow is one of the kindest, most compassionate people I've ever met and he and his staff care deeply for their patients. My family and I can't thank them enough. I would wholeheartedly and without any reservation recommend this treatment to anyone struggling as I did for so many years.

d tropauer

d tropauer

18:11 07 Jul 21

I lost and was witness to the loss of my 15-year-old son to a tragic golf cart accident. It was nine years ago. The journey since has been nothing but pain and immense suffering. It's cause severe mental instability. I lost my faith, my career, my family and many friends. Everything that meant so much to me. Anxiety the worst demon of all. I have tried many different drugs and treatments. I finished my sixth infusion and I'm awaiting my boosters. I don't know how it all works scientifically. I can only describe it like a light switch. It has been dark, scary and left me unable to find my way. I noticed a difference after my first infusion. Only to get better and better.The light has been turned back on. I can see and I'm finding my way. I finally have some hope. Hope with continued therapy and the boosters I will have the peace of mind that I've been praying for. I am determined to get the word out spread it to us many people as I can. In today's world we see so much anxiety and depression everywhere. Especially with our younger adults they are a future we need to help them along. Dr. Malchow and his staff are amazing. They are thorough, kind and encouraging. I was never concerned going into the treatments because I knew that they would take very good care of me.Dr. Malchow is committed to helping others not just with the infusions he develops care plans for you and guide you on your way through the process.

David Gebhardt

David Gebhardt

02:18 21 Jun 21

A loved one sought treatment and was a bit nervous about the whole process, but what a fantastic experience. The staff, including Rona and Dawn are friendly and competent. Dr. Malchow made an amazing impression as a man who is as passionate about caring for his fellow man as well as the technical practice of medicine (which can often be very impersonal and clinical). We had a personal connection with him that usually takes years to develop. He is a healer in the best sense of the word.The experience at AMG itself was spa-like - comfortable and serene. A great amount of thought has obviously gone into the design the medical practice, and the training of the staff. "Why on earth didn't I make the appointment sooner" is rarely something that I hear from this loved one, but I heard it a lot after treatment. From someone who really does not like needles, injections and IVs, I was amazed.The treatment was thoroughly effective, with near immediate results - much better than any of the alternate treatments tried previously. I freely give my highest recommendation, and have repeatedly to everyone who will listen.

Ann Cox

Dr. Malchow and his staff are excellent. Detailed assessment and attention to detail, especially safety. They really care about helping their patients. My depression responded favorably to the IV infusions of ketamine and I am deeply grateful that I found this place. If you are suffering from treatment resistant depression, I highly recommend getting a consultation with Dr. M, he literally has saved my life.

Chuck Lee

I am deeply thankful to have discovered the Ketamine Wellness Center. Dr. Malchow and his team are simply amazing. Their level of clinical expertise has been apparent from the very beginning of my treatment. The Wellness Center's environment is of the highest quality, which brings a great sense of calm and safety. This is a team that is committed to making a difference one patient at a time. I appreciate very much the time that Dr. Malchow has taken to individualize my therapy. It is this attention to detail that demonstrates the compassion and commitment that is at the core of their care. I am so fortunate to have found such a life-changing, life-giving blessing. For me, this has been one of those moments in life where everything changes… for the good. I've been liberated to be my true self; a person who can once again feel hope and joy. I am simply amazed.

Billie Bowman

Billie Bowman

22:10 06 May 21

My life has gone from a very dark and deeply depressed one to one that is bright and glorious and full of hope, joy, light, laughter and optimism and it is due entirely to the ketamine infusions I received at AMG along with the loving and compassionate care of Dr. Malchow and his phenomenal staff. I shudder just thinking about had I gone anywhere else because, at age 65, I know for a fact there simply aren't many doctors like Dr. Malchow who possesses a sincere and genuine desire to help heal people and see them improve so they can enjoy vibrant good health and have the joyous life we were all created to have. I have never felt as cared for or as completely safe as I do at AMG and I just cannot recommend them highly enough. I would urge anyone whose life is being negatively impacted by depression, PTSD, anxiety or pain to please not continue living under these clouds of despair when there is a simple but miraculous treatment available now. And I wouldn't consider going anywhere other than AMG in Franklin. Having completed my first series of 6 ketamine infusions, I am now happily looking forward to continuing with monthly maintenance infusions and life getting even better and more miraculous!

Kavin Williams

They staff at AMG Ketamine and Wellness Center are not only professional, they are good people. Suffering from PTSD and Fibromyalgia I went into my initial consultation with not much hope. Fast forward to today! I feel so much better after my infusion treatments. Dr. Malchow and the nurses (I call them the 3D's because their names start with D😁) were so kind and patient with me. They prayed with me before every infusion. The life changing results I have experienced are not only because of the treatments but because of the pure and genuine hearts of these fine people.

Fisher R

Dr. Randy Malchow and the staff at AMG Ketamine and Wellness Center are phenomenal!They provide outstanding professional and personal care that is only surpassed by their compassion for those they serve.I am a healthcare professional that needs to see strong evidence of studies in peer-reviewed medical literature supporting a treatment regimen--before I agree to utilize it. Therefore, before scheduling my first appointment, I did a thorough review of the research and evidence base (including the studies listed on the AMG Ketamine and Wellness Center website) and found that ketamine has been evaluated for many years and shown to be very effective in the treatment of several medical conditions—including depression and anxiety.However, beyond the published studies demonstrating efficacy, one always wonders what their personal experience will be like when receiving a treatment they have not tried before.Now after the initial phase of treatments and being on a monthly maintenance infusion for a few months, I am happy to report my experience has been even better than I even imagined it would be!Dr. Malchow is a wonderful example of being a kind and caring physician/healer with exceptional expertise and clinical skills. He has been an attentive listener to address my questions and concerns and then to personalize the treatment experience for me--which has led to lifechanging positive results!The dark clouds of depression and anxiety are now drifting away and revealing the sunshine and blue skies of a renewed life with hope, health and happiness!I am so thankful to have found Dr. Malchow and his team at the AMG Ketamine and Wellness Center and I enthusiastically recommend that you check them out and see if they can help you as well!

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Can I Go Back to Horse Back Riding After Ketamine Infusion


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